

Friday, Aug 5 18:00 - 21:00 Registration & Measurement
Saturday, Aug 6 7:30-9:00 Breakfast - Upstairs in Clubhouse - Prepaid Ticket only
08:00 - 09:00 Registration & Measurement
  9:30 Skippers’ Meeting
  11:00 Warning Gun, 1st Race
After Racing Mini Soling-Shark Regatta
Rum Tickets Accepted at Bar
  18:30 Dinner KYC
Served Upstairs - Seating available throughout clubhouse, and on Patios
19:00-20:00 "The Torres Project" - Acoustic Duo - on the Patio
Sunday, Aug 7 7:30-9:00 Breakfast - Upstairs in Clubhouse - Prepaid Ticket only
11:00 Warning Gun 1st race of the day
  TBA Prize giving to follow after last race Sunday

**Daily 1st Awards Sponsored by the Rigging Shoppe**
